Thursday, February 3, 2011

At a crossroads

Over the next couple of months John and I are going to be forced to make some long term decisions.

Of course, the Navy has just about everything to do with it.

We moved here to Tennessee thinking he would get shore duty here and then ultimately get out of the Navy and settle down here. Now, that's pretty much just wishful thinking. I'm wondering where my 'worst case scenario' thinking was when we decided to buy this house. Who told me that John getting shore duty here would be a breeze? Was I intoxicated at the time?? Because I sure fell for it hook, line and sinker!

Basically for the past couple of months there's been nothing open here in TN for shore duty for John. The closest thing is NRD Atlanta and that's 3 hours away. It's just not happening. Our second best choice for shore duty, King's Bay GA, isn't even an option at this point either. And he's been informed by his detailer that he's in the 'needs of the Navy' window. So it's time to shit or get off the pot with the orders or else he'll be going back to Rotten Groton, CT.

As bad as I hate to admit it, I would much rather he extend on the boat and keep looking for orders. I'm shocked he didn't kill me when I told him that. But I just think he'd be much happier staying on the boat where he has less down time than taking some orders he didn't want to a shore duty. Plus he'd loose all this sea and sub pays. And he'd be going home every night to look a white wall because there's no way we could sell this house and go with him. I wouldn't even want to if it wasn't GA.

And staying on the boat brings up another point. If he extended, he'd have to reenlist to even get a shore duty. And he'd be reenlisting for free because bonuses are out the window at this point. And the very least he could reenlist for would be 4 years. That would make him over 10 years when his EAOS came around. And it'd be just stupid not to make a career out of it if you're already over half-way. And if he were to make a career out of the Navy, I couldn't live the whole time here without him. I would be much happier with him. If we could stay in GA for the rest of his career I would be overjoyed. Although, Ethan has made a ton of friends here and it would hurt my heart to take him out of school and move him.

There's just so much that's up in the air now that getting recruiting duty here in TN is pretty much a distant memory. I believe this month will be the deciding factor. If nothing opens up then it's time to make a hard decision.