Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Slacker, slacker

New Year's 'Goal' number 4 states that I will blog twice a week. Last blog post: January 9th. Check the date. Over 2 weeks without a dang post. This has to stop.

What was the outcome of the 'snow of this century'?? Big flippin' snow. I know I at least got 10inches. The town was shut down for a week. I haven't a clue as to why though. Everyone I know got out and drove around in it. It was like after a tornado where everyone has to go look at the damage. In this case, everyone but the salt trucks were out. I seriously don't think they even attempted to scraped the roads until Wednesday. It snowed overnight Sunday. And my neighbor, like a ding-dong, was out bright and early 8AM Monday morning putting all his bags of trash out by the road for the garbage truck. You can't even see the road and this man still thinks they are coming to get his trash that day.

School started back last week. I have SO much more reading and homework to do this semester! I just hope I can stay on it and not fall behind. I know if I do I will be playing catch up all year.

The workout plans been going good. I slacked 2 days I wasn't suppose to (make that 3 after I crawl in bed tonight and make my offical 'I'm not working out today' decision). I'm actually gaining a little bit of weight. I expected that though. Muscle weights more than fat and I can definately see tiny biceps forming. Oh, and I can squeeze my booty back into my A&F size 2's and breathe while wearing them! That's an acomplishment! Actually, they've become my favorite pair because my others are starting to look like boy pants. My saddlebags and butt are shaping up too, obviously.

And last but certainly not least, my baby turned 2 today!! I can't believe it's been 2 years already. It's crazy how time flies. He's becoming such a big boy and I love it and hate it at the same time. It almost makes me want another.... but just for a split second.

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